Monday, September 4, 2017

Victoria Terrace

The creative juices were flowing when Victoria Terrace was built in Edinburgh, Scotland.  

This picture was taken from near George IV Bridge (street) (and the National Library of Scotland) looking down Victoria Street from the Terrace.  If you are walking up the Royal Mile and turn left at George IV, Victoria Street and Terrace are the first right.  Victoria Street is one-way going up hill to George IV.
Looking at Victoria Terrace from near George IV Bridge.
Looking over the railing of Victoria Terrace.

Looking over the terrace railing to Victoria Street to show how the terrace starts out as the sidewalk quickly becomes incorporated into the roofs of the buildings on Victoria Street which become taller as the street descends.
The Scottish Genealogical Society has its office near the far end of Victoria Terrace.  It appears to be in the basement or sub-basement of the buildings on Johnston Terrace.