Saturday, April 1, 2017

Along the Way

Walking on treadmills or through life, we notice footsteps around us.  We are as different as the colors of threads.  Our lives are influenced by those around us, near and far, through distance and time, good times and bad, subtle or dramatic, brief or enduring. 

Congress cloth was dyed with two colors of alcohol ink.  Footsteps were stitched using pearl cotton.  Painted WonderUnder was applied and melted into the surface.  

All that Glitter

Traditionally our individual bubbles have been connected by the swirl of language and personal interaction.  Shiny new technology adds a layer of networking to our lives which enables us to be connected more often and at much larger distances.  We are just beginning to understand and consider the consequences. 

Circles of sheer fabrics were arranged on sticky water soluble stabilizer.  The stabilizer sandwich was stitched together using a sewing machine to represent traditional networks.  The stabilizer was washed away.  Bugle beads represent technology networks